Can You Sleep At The Beach? (We Find Out)

Some beachgoers love the beach at night- whether it’s because of the cool wind while falling asleep or the soothing sound of the waves in your ears. You might be thinking of taking your sleeping bag and tent to spend a night at your favorite beach. Well, think again.

Sleeping at the beach during the night is not allowed in most countries. It is impossible for authorities to monitor activities throughout the night. It could be dangerous because of the weather elements. You may, however, sleep at the beach during the day, but it is crucial to follow some steps.

You might be comfortable being at the beach at night, but it is illegal to camp or sleep there. Let’s discuss why you are not allowed to sleep at the beach!

No One May Sleep At The Beach At Night

Sleeping on a public beach after 9:00 pm and before sunrise is strictly prohibited, and you may face jail time or a fine if caught. Even if you are comfortable with only your sleeping bag and aren’t concerned, you can still have something stolen or be the victim of a crime.

Several safety concerns come along with being among the elements, such as wild animals or rising tides. The government does not want to be responsible for the additional risks or liability for people sleeping on the beach or the expenses that come along with it.

There are, however, some beach locations where you can park an RV and that in it, which sounds like a fair compromise.

Even if you may have been allowed to sleep or camp at your favorite beach at night, why can’t everyone, including even making it their permanent home? Health and safety concerns are crucial to be concerned about.

What If You Sleep At The Beach At Night Anyway?

It is not advised to partake in any illegal activities, including the unlawful exercise of camping or sleeping at the beach at night. However, if you do find the opportunity with no other possible solution of setting up camp on the white sands of a deserted beach, you should take note of the following:

  • Always think of your environment and the possible risks. Never sleep too close to the ocean, and never camp or sleep on or in dunes.
  • Be extremely mindful of the tides. You certainly do not want to wake up finding yourself in the middle of an unexpected dip in your sleep. If it is possible, look for a grassed area further from the beach.
  • Always have a sort of a matt or carpet outside your tent or sleeping bag, and leave your shoes there to act as a sand trap.
  • Be aware and conscious of the local guidelines regarding waste. This includes biological waste. For the sake of everyone, never do your business in the sand. (You know what we mean!)
  • Never drive on the beach at night without having a well-thought-out plan for getting bogged. These are things like an inflatable jack, shovel, a working and charged phone, and of course, something to keep you warm!
  • Never go swimming at the beach at night, even if you have a companion. There will never be any lifeguards at the beach at night, so refrain from swimming.
  • Know that you will face charges or be liable to a fine if you get caught.
Can You Sleep At The Beach 01

You May Sleep On The Beach During The Day, With Caution!

We have all experienced those long days at the beach can make us super sleepy, lazier if you ask me! Getting tired at the beach has mostly to do with the sun suppressing your melatonin production, ultimately controlling your daily sleeping cycle and waking up.

The beach might just be the perfect setting for a lovely long nap. You will be warm, pleasantly buzzed, and the ocean will whisper at your feet, recreating one of those ASMR videos that helps you to fall asleep more quickly! But, before you drift into a deep sleep, you should take note of a couple of things:

Always carry an umbrella and sunscreen with you if you plan on taking a nap while lying on the beach

As you set up your umbrella and lay under it, the sun will change position as the time ticks on. Although you can then change your umbrella’s initial position, sunscreen will undoubtedly save your life if you are too asleep to notice.

Sunscreen contains chemicals that reflect the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays away from your skin or absorb them so that your skin doesn’t.

Always remember to lather on some sunscreen of at least SPF 30 before you decide to sleep. Try not to sleep for more than two hours or so since you are supposed to reapply sunscreen every two hours.

Always be on a beach with supervision, or invite some friends with you

This may also include lifeguards but mainly go to beaches with park rangers or police as well. Each of these supervisors plays a crucial role, and they work together to ensure your and your belongings’ safety.

Always avoid areas where there is easy access from the street. Unauthorized passers or tourists might come across you. Also, it would be best never to keep your valuables such as your phone, laptop, wallet, or other expensive accessories in plain sight of people while you may be taking a snooze.

It is also recommended to be highly vigilant because it doesn’t necessarily have to be a thief who decides to steal your stuff. Still, the average guy lunging nearby can also choose to steal, given the opportunity. This is why it is of utmost importance to secure your stuff or just keep them out of sight when you fall asleep.

Stay away from the closest parts of the shoreline

While it may be rare for waves to come in and crash down on you while you’re sleeping, you still do not want to set up your napping place too close to the shoreline.

Pay attention to the weather and any signs of dangers outside

Since 2006, an average of 33 people have been killed by lightning that struck on beaches every year. It is essential to know that there is no safe space when thunderstorms occur in your area. When thunder roars, always seek shelter or go indoors and leave your nap for another day!

The safest place you can be during a thunderstorm is substantial buildings, as well as hard-topped vehicles. Remember to always wait at least 30 minutes after the last thunder crack before returning to the beach for your nap.


Although sleeping at the beach at night can get you into quite the predicament with the law in your area, nobody can stop you from taking a snooze during the day! Sleeping at the beach can make you less stressed, make you wake up feeling refreshed, and make you happier in general!

Always be vigilant of your surroundings, the weather circumstances, and try never to go to the beach alone, especially if you need a trustworthy friend to look after your valuables!

