What Insurance Do You Need For A Beach House?

When you are buying your house at the beach or just close to the nearest water source, you will need to consider the insurance you can get. You need to consider several things when getting your insurance for your beach house to ensure that everything will be covered.

You should get normal homeowners’ insurance for your beach house, regardless of how often you use it. If you are renting out the beach house as a vacation home, you should also include you should still get homeowners insurance but specify that it will be rented out as a vacation home.

You need to consider several things when getting insurance for a beach house; not only will the total cost be different, but some things won’t be covered. We have gathered all the basic things you will need to know about getting insurance for your beach house.

How Much Does It Usually Cost To Insure A Beach House?

Knowing how much your insurance on a beach house will cost is an important part of choosing the dream beach house that you will have. Before you start looking for houses or asking for insurance quotes, you need to consider when getting your beach house insured.

When Living In The Beach House Full Time

The insurance for living in the beach house full-time will be slightly more than when only living in the beach house as a vacation spot. This is because the beach house will hold much more valuables, with many people having more electronics and other products.

We recommend that you also include more cover for everyday parts of the house, ensuring that you will have cover for items that the ocean air will damage. Your insurance broker should be able to tell you whether or not you have the full cover to live in your house.

When Using The Beach House As A Vacation Location

If you will be using the beach house only as a spot to go on vacation, several things will change for your policy. Many insurance companies require that you let them know when you will be going on vacation to your beach house, allowing them to increase the cover.

This is because your car, many personal possessions, and even several expensive electronics will only be at the beach house when you are there. Allowing the insurance and broker to decrease your monthly cover and your monthly payment, covering natural disasters and fires rather than someone breaking a window.

When Renting The Beach House Out To People

You will need to get a form of home insurance and renters’ insurance when you rent out your beach house to strangers or even just family. Many people assume that normal insurance will work with their rented-out properties, but the insurance may deny claims when this is your only cover.

If someone you rented out the house to has stolen something, the insurance may not cover it unless they know the situation. Similarly, if the house is set alight by a renter’s mistake, it may not be covered by a normal house policy, as the insurance covers you and your family, not strangers.

Who Insures Coastal Homes?

All insurance companies will be willing to insure your beach house with basic homeowners’ insurance, ensuring that the basic things are covered. Most people who have beach houses want insurance on everything inside the house and only a few things for the outside.

However, if you have a larger yard, you will need to look around for that specific insurance, with many coastal insurance companies having specific policies for these. Further, a boat and vehicle always parked at the beach house will also change who you can get insurance from.

Further, if you are buying a farm next to the beach, you need to ensure that the insurance you are using can handle and cover everything. The insurance you are using for a farm and coastal farmhouse will be provided by different companies than the ones that would cover your house.

What Are The Requirements To Have A Beach House Insured?

Knowing what insurance you will need for your beach house requires that you also know what the requirement is to have a beach house insured. Several people buy apartments or even just beachfront property that get them overinsured.

This means that when someone breaks in or something happens, the insurance does not pay out everything as the value of the lost items does not reach the maximum. Causing you to pay several years or months for insurance that may never pay out as much as you are expecting.

A Home Located Along The Coast

When you are getting insurance that covers your beach house, you need to make sure that it is within a certain area of the ocean. Many people who live a few minutes away from the actual ocean may not need to pay extra for their insurance simply because it is considered inland.

Further, just because you cannot see or hear the ocean from your house does not mean it is not considered a beach house. We have seen many people affected by the ocean air and the effects of the ocean that have normal insurance, causing their claims to be denied.

You Must Own The House

Your insurance will be drastically different from when you own the house when renting the house. A simple example is that the homeowner needs to have insurance that covers the actual building, while you may only need insurance on the items in the house.

We always recommend that people consider this when looking for houses and apartments to live in near the beach. While you can have the best insurance to cover your items, it is not the same when your house is burning or washing away, and the owner has no way to rebuild it.

Declare What The House Will Be Used For

If you own the house, the insurance will require that you declare what it will be used for, whether this is your vacation house or the permanent house you are living in. Many people in larger coastal cities will only use the house as their permanent home.

However, many towns and cities around the world are only used as vacation locations by the large majority of their homeowners. This means that the house is empty for most of the year, requiring that you need to have a few odd extras in your insurance policy to keep everything covered.

Have Someone Assess The House

This is one of the most important things that many people refuse to do or completely ignore; you can have someone sent out by your insurance company to do an assessment. This is one of the best ways to ensure that the insurance knows your house’s condition and what is in it.

With beach houses, this can help clear up some things that the insurer may not cover while also allowing you to get cover for everything. A quick example is that the assessor sent out to your house may notice that you have a gas heating system instead of a standard geyser, which is included in your insurance policy.

What Insurance Do You Need When You Have A Vacation Beach House?

Many people assume that the insurance for a vacation beach house will be drastically different from the insurance for a normal beach house. However, this is not true, and the insurance you need for your vacation beach house is just normal homeowners’ insurance.

When you get the insurance, you will have to specify that the house is being used as a vacation house instead of a permanent one. This allows the insurer to increase the cover for petty theft and give you regulations on what needs to be added to a house.

This is often why you will find that many people’s vacation houses have better security systems than their actual homes. Insurance companies can require that you include security systems and safety bars around the house to make it much harder to break into the house.

What Does Insurance For A Beach House Cover?

There are many things that the insurer will cover as a general rule, with many people not always being aware of the most basic things. We have the four basic things included in your insurance that you should read through when applying.

Generally, it is recommended to get a different insurer if these basics are not included, with many people not reading their full policies before signing the contracts. This causes you to have the wrong cover, leaving you with a big problem when something unthinkable does happen.

Storm Surges

The first and most important cover that you will get with homeowners’ insurance is any damage done through a storm surge. This can be roof leaks, lightning strikes, branches of trees breaking off and hitting the house, and many other things.

It should be noted that if a storm surge causes something that has been worn down or just used a lot to no longer work. Usually, this happens with older homes where the water starts leaking through the roof after a storm, which the insurance still won’t cover.

Flash Flooding

Flash flooding is often one of the worst things that happen to most homes, especially newer homes where the water flow has not been measured properly. This can cause several different kinds of flash flooding around your house, with severe instances causing floods through your house.

This flash flooding can occur because the water systems around your house are not capable of handling a sudden downpour, the ground is too dry, or a river nearby is growing too large. Flash flooding is often a problem when buying beach houses, and insurance companies will cover them especially.


Whether you live in the house around the year or just as a vacation house, there will eventually be a moment where you go to buy some food, and someone tries to break in. Your home insurance will cover this and usually replace the damage and stolen items.

However, it should be noted that when using the house as a vacation house, the alarm system in your house will need to be up to date. This will ensure that your insurance cannot deny a claim simply because you didn’t adhere to the safety precautions they have required you to have.

Normal Home Insurance

The rest of your home will be covered by the normal home insurance that your house will have through owners’ insurance. This will ensure that everything is covered in the worst-case scenario and that fires and lightning will be covered.

The normal house insurance covers everything that can happen to almost any house without being specifically close to any dangerous natural formations. This is why lighting, fire, accidents, and other things are always covered, but only in a limited amount.

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What Does Insurance For A Beach House Not Cover?

There are three things that insurance for beach houses quite specifically does not cover only because of the house location. Many people do not realize that being close to the ocean naturally increases the risk of several things that insurance companies cannot always pay for.

Rusting house parts, wear and tear due to rust, and homeowners’ insurance do not cover accidental damage from ocean waves or cars losing control. Insurance companies do not cover these because they are part of owning a house near the beach.

This is often why you will see homes that are seemingly rusting away in coastal towns, as no one is willing to pay to keep the maintenance of the house up. Further, cars also suffer from this problem, with many rusting away when just kept inside at coastal museums that don’t filter the air.


All you will need to insure your beach house is homeowners’ insurance, ensuring that your house is covered for all the most basic things. If you have something that you are afraid of happening, you can have your insurer specify what the cover will be, which can include appliances always kept outside.

We recommend that you discuss with your insurer and a few other insurers to see the full cover you need.

