Getting a hold of our finances can be difficult. Believing that you don’t have the power to change your habits can make it even more difficult. Therefore, not having the ability to improve your financial situation. Some aspects are beyond our control, but there are many we can control.
One of the most significant aspects is our mindset around money. By simply having a better attitude about money, you can begin to be better with money. One strategy some people use to improve their money mindset is using money affirmations to give themselves an extra boost of confidence.
What’s the Law of Attraction and How Can It Help?
The Law of Attraction is a philosophy that having positive thoughts will bring more positive results. On the flip side, having negative reviews will get more negative outcomes. Have you ever heard the saying, “Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re already right?” This is essentially the same idea. If you believe you can do something, you will. You’re more likely to fail when you think you are incapable of a goal.
By bringing positive thoughts and energy to your finances, you can begin to turn your money situation around. Of course, positive opinions alone won’t solve your problems, but they can be a crucial start to achieving your financial goals. Giving yourself or others positive daily reinforcements could slowly but surely give you a different outlook on money.
Some different aspects of finances money affirmations can help with are:
- Needing less money to be happy
- Forming better financial habits
- Having clearer financial goals
- Mananging money better
What Are Money Affirmations?
A money affirmation is an affirmation statement aimed at a financial goal. Affirmations, in general, are short, powerful, positive statements that focus on accomplishing a specific purpose or task. Money affirmations will help keep you focused and continue to bring the positive energy that can help motivate you.
Why Should I Use Money Affirmations?
Positive affirmations are not simply for money. Many studies have been done on the effects of positive thinking on your health. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are many benefits to positive thinking, including:
- Increased life span
- Lower rates of depression
- Lower levels of distress
- More excellent resistance to the common cold
- Better psychological and physical well-being
- Better cardiovascular health and reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
- Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress
Suppose positive thinking can have this effect on your physical health. In that case, there is no reason to believe money affirmation won’t help improve your financial health.
The power of thought to make positive changes is well documented; however, that doesn’t mean positive thinking alone will change your life. Affirmations are simply part of a formula that, when all put together, will help you achieve your financial goals.
You’ll still need to actively decide to change your money mindset, use the tools available to you, such as apps, sites, or financial professionals, and have a plan on how to achieve your goals. Money affirmations are an excellent way to start the process and keep yourself motivated or focused on executing your plan.
How Do Affirmations Work?
So how do affirmations work, and why do they help us achieve our goals? Well, it’s not 100% exact science. More or less, using affirmations simply allows us to relax and focus. Whether at work, school, or with money, focusing on a better task means we are more likely to succeed. We’re more likely to perform at a higher level when we can do both. The more we grow, the more we believe in ourselves, and the cycle continues.
How To Use Affirmations
The best way to use money affirmations or any other affirmation is to say them to yourself daily. Make it part of your morning routine to start your day off right. Look in the mirror and tell yourself you are good with money. Tell yourself you’ll make a sound, intelligent decision. Get yourself into the right mindset as early as possible, and let the day unfold from there.
Visualization has powerful effects on our subconscious minds as well. Repeating your positive words daily will make them more concrete in your mind. You can also visualize yourself performing your mantra or mantras.
Another good time to utilize money affirmations is when you might feel stressed about money. Again, affirmations work mainly because they allow us to feel calmer and more focused. You could make poor decisions when you find yourself stressed, leading to negativity. So, before doing anything, take a minute to reassure yourself with your money affirmation to think more clearly.
Making Your Money Affirmation
I will give some examples below, but when creating your money affirmation, there are some simple guidelines you can follow:
- Keep it personal, starting with an “I am,” “I will,” etc.
- Use the Present tense.
- Focus on doing something positive, not stopping doing something negative
- Make it specific
- Make it short
- Say them (or write them) with a sense of feeling and purpose
Money Affirmations To Help Change Your Mindset
- I have the power to make more money
- I will achieve the financial success I desire
- I am good with money
- I am making sound financial decisions
- I am using the tools available to me to achieve my goals
- I can overcome any obstacle in my way
- I am in control of my finances
- I am making more than I spend
- I am grateful for what I have
- I enjoy managing my money
- I control my money; it doesn’t control me
- I am financially successful
- I will work hard to improve my finances
- I am using my money where it’s needed most
- I will get rid of all my debts
- I am improving my financial life
- I have enough money
- I will be successful with money
- I will take the right actions to gain wealth
- I am capable of achieving my financial goals
- I am doing what is necessary to be financially successful
- I will do what it takes to increase my income
- I deserve to make more money
- I am happy living within my means
- I can do more to make money
- I have the skills to make more money
- I can achieve financial freedom
- I am happy with the money I have
- I will use the money to push myself and others happy
- I am making positive changes
- I am optimistic about my future
- I am happiest when being responsible with my money
- I am spending money wisely
Money Affirmations – Final Thoughts
Affirmations of any kind can be a helpful way to get a millionaire mindset. Repeating positive phrases known as money affirmations daily can be an excellent way to get yourself thinking financially responsibly. Let go of your negative thinking. Never underestimate the power of positive thinking and repetition!
Robin Edwards, often hailed as "The Penny Hunter" by her close circle, is not just a financial writer; she's a financial educator committed to helping people understand the value of every penny. With a background in finance and a knack for simplifying complex financial concepts, Robin has become a go-to resource for those looking to take control of their financial destiny. With her zero-based budgeting method, she's changing the way we think about money, one dollar at a time.